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  3. Step #1 - Set up your main communication channel 📣

Setting up email

Receiving requests in Siit via email

With Siit you can create unique email address that you can use to turn incoming email messages into requests. You can find it in the settings menu on the top right, while for all others you can find it in Settings → Channel → Email

The email address always has the format of <custom-name>@<org-name>.siit-mail.com Each mail received on this email address will be automatically turned into a Siit request in the relevant team.

Forwarding e-mails from your own inbox

In case you receive an email in your personal inbox, that should have been a request in Siit, you can can easily forward the e-mail into the Siit inbox of the relevant team to create the request on behalf of the original sender.

The original sender of the email will be set as the requester of the request, which means they will receive all notifications and updates about the request.

❓How do we identify forwarded e-mails?

  • The subject line starts with Fwd, Fw, or WG

  • We can find the original sender in the body of the forwarded e-mail

The subject line starts with Fwd, Fw, or WG

We can find the original sender in the body of the forwarded e-mail

❓Can I add more information to the request?

Yes, if you add more information to the e-mail when forwarding, we will take it as part of the request. This information will however be visible to the original requester as well!

❓Can I prevent this from happening?

Yes, if you simply want to create a request for yourself in Siit, you can delete the Fwd, Fw, or WG from the subject line, and we will treat the e-mail as any other request.

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